
Get a full picture of your business, inside and out

Connect all of your data with critical external sources like public health status, economic indicators, and government policy.

Reopen with Tableau




16K employees with Tableau



43% reduction in support calls

15 analyst hours saved weekly


Tableau is probably the most significant step we've taken towards self-service BI.

Tableau helps with governance, enables productivity, and saves millions of dollars for Honeywell.

Tableau allows us to step out of the box and look at data in a totally different way.

Tableau encourages and inspires curiosity in people.

Tableau empowers the whole organization.

I wouldn’t want to do my job without Tableau.

With Tableau, we have 10,000-20,000 more hours of productivity. You can't really put a price on that.

We can combine data from different areas and gain new insights with Tableau.

Tableau allows us to create dashboards that provide actionable insights and drive the business forward.


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